I wanted to pass along this very valuable information for any of you posting on blogs or web sites. It is a code to copy & paste into your site that prevents right click copying. For a blog, you add a widget for html, then paste the code in. And voila - no right clicks!!
HEAD TO THIS SITE & copy/paste the code into your site. Make sure to type in your name where it specifies in the code - right after the copyright symbol.
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Joy - thank you!! This has recently become a huge problem for me.
oh awesome! this is priceless info!
for flickr..i wonder if you post in your profile or have to on each photo uploaded?...
Great info! Thank you.
Your photos are wonderful, I enjoy reading all the great info you have included with your blog
Thanks, I'm going to pass this info on to on my blog. AWESOME INFORMATION!
thank a tooons for this information...loove your blog...
I tried it..But I think I have a problem...
U said add the widget to the html edit and add the code after putting in your name...
I added the widget and then a cursor blinks at the end of html original code and then if i paste and save ...nothing happens they just say..we are unable to save it...plzz help out with the same..
thank you..
Oh my gosh, after finding my images all over the place, this is going to be a great thing. I know nothing put on the internet is truly 'theft free' but it's a start. Thanks!!
Perfect timing! Thank you so much--I did a google search just now for 'right click protection' and found this! So very helpful!!
FYI, unfortunately this does not work with Firefox browsers...I was testing it and then I went back to the billybear site and it says it works with IE and Netscape...so pooey =( But way to go and thanks for posting nonetheless!
Oops, posted from the wrong account just then ;-)
how do you add an html widget...i think I'm a little lost on this one.
I just headed over here from Country Girl......... this right click protection doesn't work!! sorry !! :( I didn't take your photo, but right click worked on all 3 of those photos!!
But I'm off to check out the rest of your site!! It looks magnificent!
Unfortunately, this type of script is virtually ineffective, providing little to no protection and easily worked around. A better deterrent is posting smaller low-res images with somewhat obtrusive watermarks. (only a better deterrent because there's very little payoff) It's a disappointing reality, but I think it's just the nature of the beast (the beast being the internet and how files are served, etc). :-\
Me too, I tested your images and Icould save them, sorry to tell you that
what lovely photos.
I follow your blog, love your photos. But the right click thing doesn't work. Either on mine or yours!
Joy, thanks for sharing. I did try it also, and it did not work for my blog either. Someone out there must know a code that works. It is frustrating to find our own images on other sites.
sweetie- all I had to do was just click on the image and could save the full version of it. Another thing you can do is link the picture to a web address and then when they click on it- they don't get the full size image (from the host), but it directs them to a weblink!)
Just an FYI
Thank you for that information. I always wondered how they did that.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
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