Sweet Maggie - Columbus Ohio Dog Photographer {Central Ohio Pet Photographer}

Monday, May 21, 2012

LOVE - This one  word conjures up so many meanings in all of us. I believe that love it the ultimate blending of all the purest & best emotions humans can feel - happiness, grace, gratitude, appreciation, respect. But in our relationships with our pets - I believe that one more aspect is added to that love - complete vulnerability -  and the responsibility of their kind care. Dogs have helped heal people in hospitals and aided in helping children read or opening them up in therapy. Our bond is so deep and unique. And these are some of the reasons I love photographing people with their pets.

Two and a half years ago, I photographed Maggie - a spaniel mix and her comrade Zoe, a setter mix for their owners. A couple months ago, I learned that Maggie has lymphoma. So I decided to do a "secret stealth session" with Maggie as a surprise for her owner who had mentioned maybe getting more portraits done. This session was truly a labor of love and a celebration of her sweet little spirit! I'm so glad I had this one on one time with her and I'm glad her owner will have these portraits to look at now & in the future.

And so..... time is so fleeting....... Love with all your soul. And make that love known in all ways. ♥