I had an inspiring portrait session a couple weeks ago. I met Matthew & Maria, and their parents at a beautiful local metropark. It's a favorite with children, as it has lots of nooks and crannies to explore and wildlife to observe! Matthew is 6 years old and Maria is 18 months. Both of them have Cystic Fibrosis, which is a genetic disease that effects the lungs, digestive system and other organs. Both of them take over 25 pills a day to aid in digestion of their food. They also both do up to an hour of chest therapy (including Vest and Nebulizer medications) on a daily basis to help clear the mucous out of their lungs. There is no cure for Cystic Fibrosis and the median age of survival is 36 years old. Matthew has also been diganosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (on the autism spectrum). This session was in partnership with The Littlest Heroes Project
http://www.littlestheroesproject.org/ .
The Littlest Heroes Project is a non-profit based organization made up of professional photographers nationwide that provide free photo sessions to our nations Littlest Heroes. This is their way of giving back and taking a stand for these children who sometimes feel forgotten because of their illnesses. We are here to let them know that they are heroes to many, and to share their inspirational stories and photos with the world.
I am a participating photographer with the Littlest Heroes Project. Volunteerism has always been an important part of my life, & I can’t think of a better way to volunteer and give back than through my passion for photography.
Maria was such a little go getter - looking, exploring, independent! Matthew was taken with the inner workings & complexities of his environment! I was honored to meet and photograph this family and their little heroes!